Share your Inner Colors on the canvas called life.


Every person steps onto this planet with a unique set of Inner Colors.
Our homework in this life is to connect with these Inner Colors and to share them on the canvas called life.

Create your own version of success with journaling.

Success is being you, living your most authentic life. However, there is a definition of success we strive for without questioning if that is what we truly want or if it will bring os contentment and fulfillment. Many of us find out the hard way that what they thought they wanted was not what brought the happiness.

So, what is success? And how can you create it?

Success is your own definition of what it means to live a fulfilling life. It is a life that allows you to embody your essence - your Inner Colors and have time for what you enjoy. It is you, the kind of you that you are when you don't have to be anyone or anything. Success is that dream you have - give it a try.

Learn how to manifest with journaling to create your own definition of success.

Manifestation is more than "think about it" or a "vision board". You may have wondered why vision boards don't work or why, even if you have manifested a couple of things on your vision board, it still hasn't left you truly fulfilled.

In The Atelier, you are going to connect with your essence and get clear on your own definition of a successful life. That way you make sure you don't manifest what is not reflecting your Inner Colors but actually get closer to an everyday life that you feel at home in.

How does it work?

You create your life decision by decision - if you prioritize your Inner Colors and your own goals in every decision, you will inevitably get closer to your own version of success. Journaling helps you stay on track and accountable - and it also helps you heal. Healing is what keeps you back from painting your own painting with your unique Inner Colors - journaling helps you clear your path and encourage you to keep creating.


Manifestation is often described as "think positive" or "think about something and it appears." While imagination plays an important part in manifesting, it is not the only one. It certainly will not connect you with your manifestation if you don't combine it with the other four pillars as listed on the left.

The manifestation method that your learn at The Journal of a Healer combines visualizing with psychology and explains how you can manifest your version of success in a practical, efficient, and also intuitive way.

This method goes way beyond the level of thinking, but guides you into recognizing your own patterns, wounds, belief systems and self-imposed limitations.

Learn more about each pillar here.


Inside The Atelier, you will find access to the following courses and to the community space exclusively accessible to Journalers.

The Atelier

The Community Space

The Atelier comes with its own community space, re-imagined as "Café Calma" which is presumably the first online-café where you can journal and connect with Journalers across the world. Calma is the Spanish word for calm, alma is the Spanish word for soul. This space is meant to nourish your soul through inspiration, guidance and encouragement to connect with your inner wisdom.


Café Calma - The Community

Exclusively accessible to members in The Atelier

  • Weekly Audios
  • Weekly Journal Prompts

  • Both pick up on a monthly theme related to manifestation & mindset in different areas of your life, reaching from work/career to love & relationships, confidence and well-being, as well as money and abundance.

  • Ask your questions around journaling and manifestation and receive answers from other Journalers. Ariane takes time once a week to get back to most common questions and shares the responses so everyone can read along and benefit from the answers / conversations.

  • Connect and interact with Journalers across the world to share your experiences and find like-minded peers equally committed to creating their own version of a fulfilling success.

Welcome to The Atelier

Create your own version of success - with the Journaling Method of The Journal of a Healer.