What is Healing?

When we talk about healing, we don't only address the physical level. Healing means to take an honest look at moments and events that have hurt us in the past.

By working through these and tending to the wounds or protection shields these have left, you free yourself from stories of your past that no longer deserve to shape your present.

The past is a classroom that helps us to connect the dots, but the life you are dreaming us waits outside. It's like a garden you care for and observe growing more and more.

Through journaling, you will become aware of your own patterns and go back to the root of them, so you can rewrite them, building new patterns that help you get closer to your very own version of success. Healing occurs on an emotional and somatic level which will be addressed in this course.

Disclaimer: This kind of healing is a form of self-awareness and self-empowerment. The Journal of a Healer does by no means replace the work of professionals and encourages each Journaler to seek guidance from professionals if necessary.

To heal means to observe your own thoughts, reactions, and emotions. Instead of letting a narrative of your past write your story of your present, you develop the wisdom to hold on for a moment to tune into your inner knowing and respond from a place of being centered. Such is the power of healing.

Healing, in many ways, is the key that opens the door to your dreams and goals. You recognize the power of your emotions, let them flow through you, and understand that each emotion is sharing an insight with you.

In this course, you will learn how to work with your emotions and open up a space for all that is, without judgement or self-criticism.

Self-acceptance and observation is the basis for creating a life with awareness, consciousness and intention. Learn how to use journaling as guidance supporting you on your path to let for of your past, becoming more and more of yourself and letting your true essence shine and create your version of success.

This course is exclusively accessible inside the
journaling membership The Atelier