Personalized support on your manifestation journey helps you recognize blindspots and move through blocks much quicker. This will help you connect with your manifestation more effortlessly. The 1:1 format creates an energetic space in which your questions, concerns and emotional world will be held and supported. You will get out of the session with more clarity and confidence on your next steps.

1:1 support is available for all, regardless of whether you are a member inside The Atelier or purchase the coaching product outside the membership.

Inside the membership The Atelier you find all the tools for manifesting, with courses guiding you through the basics and specifics of manifestation. Working 1:1 makes sense if you seek personalized feedback and support.

Couple your membership The Atelier with a personalized support for specific questions on current challenges and projects you have. Watch out for discount codes you have access to as a Journaler inside the membership The Atelier.